StarUML Rozdział 11. Interfejs użytkownika

Ta sekcja opisuje szczegółowo okna w StarUML?.

  • Okno główne
  • Menu
  • Paski narzędzi
  • Okno
  • Dialog Box
  • Okno podręczne

Rozdział nie został przetłumaczony w całości.

    Okno główne

    Okno główne w StarUML? składa się z następujących elementów.


    Menu Główne

    Menu główne znajduje się na górze ekranu. Większość funkcji w StarUML?’ jest dostępnych z menu głównego.

    Paski narzędzi

    Paski narzędzi są zaraz pod menu głównym. Zawierają często używane opcje.

    Obszar przeglądania

    Obszar przeglądania jest umieszczony w górnym lewym rogu ekranu. Ten obszar zawiera opcje umożliwiające łatwe przeglądanie elementów komponentów projektu. Zawiera [Model Explorer], który zawiera elementy składowe modelu uporządkowane w odpowiedniej architekturze projektu, oraz [Diagram Explorer], który zawiera diagramy.

    Obszar Inspekcji

    Obszar inspekcji jest umieszczony w lewym dolnym rogu. Pole to pozwala na edycje szczegółowych własności poszczególnych elementów. Zawiera [Property Editor] do edycji własności, [Documentation Editor] do wykonywania opisów oraz dokumentacji, i [Attachments Editor] pozwalający na dodawanie dodatkowych plików oraz adresów URL.

    Information Area

    The information area is located in the lower right corner of the screen. This area contains the functions to show various types of information throughout the StarUML? application. This area includes [Output Window] which shows log recordings, [Messages Window] which shows the model search and inspection results.

    Diagram Area

    The diagram area is located in the upper right corner of the screen. This area contains the functions to edit and manage the diagrams.


    Located on the left-hand side of the area is Pallet, which contains the elements that can be created.


    This section describes in detail all of the menu items included in StarUML???s main menu.

    • File Menu
    • Edit Menu
    • Format Menu
    • Model Menu
    • View Menu
    • Tools Menu
    • Help Menu
    • Shortcuts

    File Menu

    The File menu contains the following menu items.

    Menu Item Description
    ch11h2 New Project[Ctrl+N] Creates a new project.
    New Project By Approach[Ctrl+I] Opens the Select New Project dialog box.
    ch11h3 Open[Ctrl+O] Opens a project file.
    ch11h4 Save[Ctrl+S] Saves the project file.
    Save As[Ctrl+A] Saves the project as another file.
    Close Closes the current project.
    Unit->Control Unit Separates and saves the currently selected element as a unit.
    Unit->Uncontrol Unit Merges the currently selected unit element to the parent unit (or project).
    Unit->Delete Unit Deletes the currently selected unit element
    Unit->Save Unit Saves the currently selected unit as a file.
    Unit->Save Unit As Saves the currently selected unit as another file.
    Import->Framework Imports a framework into the current project.
    Import->Model Fragment Imports a model fragment into the current project.
    Export->Model Fragment Saves the currently selected element as a model fragment file.
    Export Diagram[Shift+Ctrl+D] Saves the currently active diagram as an image file.
    Page Setup Configures the page for printing
    ch11h5 Print[Ctrl+P] Prints the diagram.
    Recent Files Contains a list of the recently opened files.
    Exit Exits the program.

    Edit Menu

    The Edit menu contains the following menu items.

    Menu Item Description
    ch11h6 Undo[Ctrl+Z] Cancels the most recent action performed by the user.
    ch11h7 Redo[Ctrl+Y] Repeats the most recent action performed by the user.
    ch11h8 Cut[Ctrl+X] Copies the selected elements to clipboard and removes them from the current location.
    ch11h9 Copy[Ctrl+C] Copies the selected elements to clipboard.
    Copy Diagram[Shift+Ctrl+C] Copies the currently active diagram to clipboard.
    Copy Diagram as Bitmap[Shift+Ctrl+C] Copies the currently active diagram to clipboard as Bitmap.
    ch11h101 Paste[Ctrl+V] Pastes the clipboard contents into the currently selected element (or diagram).
    ch11h102 Delete[Del] Deletes the selected view elements in the diagram.
    Delete From Model[Ctrl+Del] Deletes the selected model elements.
    ch11h103 Find[Ctrl+F] Finds an element.
    Select All[Ctrl+A] Selects all the elements in the current diagram.

    Format Menu

    The Format menu contains the following menu items.

    Menu Item Description
    ch11h104 Font Specifies the font for the selected view elements.
    ch11h105 Line Color Specifies the line color for the selected view elements.
    ch11h106 Fill Color Specifies the fill color for the selected view elements.
    ch11h107 Line Style->Rectilinear[Ctrl+L] Specifies the line style of the selected connection view element as rectilinear.
    ch11h107 Line Style->Oblique[Ctrl+B] Specifies the line style of the selected connection view element as oblique.
    ch11h108 Stereotype Display->None[Shift+Ctrl+N] Shows nothing for the stereotype of the selected view elements.
    ch11h108 Stereotype Display->Textual[Shift+Ctrl+T] Shows the stereotype of the selected view elements with text.
    ch11h108 Stereotype Display->Iconic[Shift+Ctrl+I] Shows the stereotype of the selected view elements with icons.
    ch11h108 Stereotype Display->Decoration[Shift+Ctrl+E] Shows the stereotype of the selected view elements with decoration.
    ch11h109 Suppress Attributes[Shift+Ctrl+A] Suppresses the section that displays the attributes for the selected view elements (e.g. class, usecase, etc.).
    ch11h1010 Suppress Operations[Shift+Ctrl+O] Suppresses the section that displays the operations for the selected view elements (e.g. class, subsystem, etc.).
    ch11h201 Suppress Literals[Shift+Ctrl+L] Suppresses the section that displays the attributes for the selected enumerations.
    ch11h202 Word Wrap Name Shows the Word Wrap of the selected view elements.
    ch11h301 Show Parent Name Shows the parent name of the selected view elements.
    ch11h203 Show Operation Signature Shows the operation signature of the selected view elements (e.g. class, subsystem, etc.).
    ch11h302 Show Properties Shows the property items (e.g. tagged values, changeability attribute, etc.) included in view elements.
    ch11h204 Show Compartment Visibility Shows the visibility of the compartments of the selected view elements (e.g. attribute compartment, operation compartment, etc.).
    ch11h303 Show Compartment Stereotype Shows the stereotypes of the compartments of the selected view elements (e.g. attribute compartment, operation compartment, etc.).
    ch11h205 Auto Resize Automatically resizes the selected view elements.
    Alignment->ch11h304 Bring to Front Brings the selected elements to front.
    Alignment->ch11h305 Send to Back Sends the selected elements to back.
    Alignment->ch11h306 Align Left Aligns the selected elements to left.
    Alignment->ch11h307 Align Right Aligns the selected elements to right.
    Alignment->ch11h308 Align Middle Centers the selected elements horizontally.
    Alignment->ch11h309 Align Top Aligns the selected elements to top.
    Alignment->ch11h3010 Align Bottom Aligns the selected elements to bottom.
    Alignment->ch11h3011 Align Center Centers the selected elements vertically.
    Alignment->ch11h3012 Space Equally, Horizontally Evenly distributes the selected elements horizontally.
    Alignment->ch11h3013 Space Equally, Vertically Evenly distributes the selected elements vertically.
    ch11h3014 Layout Diagram Lays out the view elements in the current diagram.

    Model Menu

    The Model menu contains the following menu items.

    Menu Item Description

    Adds a model element. The model elements that can be added under the currently selected model elements are displayed in the sub menu.

    Add Diagram->…

    Adds a diagram. The diagrams that can be added under the currently selected model elements are displayed in the sub menu.

    ch11h3015 Collection Editor[Ctrl+F5]

    Opens the collection editor that can be used to edit the child elements of the currently selected model element.

    ch11h3016 Constraints[Ctrl+F6]

    Opens the constraint editor that can be used to edit the constraints of the currently selected model element.

    ch11h3017 TaggedValues[Ctrl+F7]

    Opens the tagged value editor that can be used to edit the tagged values of the currently selected model element.

    ch11h3018 Profiles[Ctrl+F8]

    Opens the profile manager.

    ch11h3019 Verify Model[F9]

    Opens the Verify Model dialog box that can be used to inspect the model elements in the current project.

    Convert Diagram->Convert Sequence(Role) to Collaboration(Role)

    Generates a new diagram by converting the currently selected sequence (role) diagram into a collaboration (role) diagram (default Add-In function).

    Convert Diagram->Convert Collaboration(Role) to Sequence(Role)

    Generates a new diagram by converting the currently selected collaboration (role) diagram into a sequence (role) diagram (default Add-In function).

    View Menu

    The View menu contains the following menu items.

    Menu Item Description
    Close Diagram Closes the currently active diagram.
    Close All Diagrams Closes all open diagrams.
    Select In Model Explorer Shows the currently selected element in the model explorer.
    ch11h3020 Referesh Refreshes the current diagram.
    Model Explorer Toggles the Model Explorer on and off.
    Diagram Explorer Toggles the Diagram Explorer on and off
    Properties Toggles the Properties Editor on and off.
    Documentations Toggles the Documentation Editor on and off.
    Attachments Toggles the Attachments Editor on and off.
    Output Toggles the Output Window on and off.
    Messages Toggles the Message Window on and off.
    Toolbox Toggles the Toolbox on and off.
    Zoom->ch11h401 Zoom In Makes the diagram look larger.
    Zoom->ch11h402 Zoom Out Makes the diagram look smaller.
    Zoom->ch11h403 Fit To Window Automatically adjusts the zoom ratio to fit the whole diagram in the window.
    Zoom->50% Shows the current diagram at 50% zoom ratio.
    Zoom->75% Shows the current diagram at 75% zoom ratio.
    Zoom->100% Shows the current diagram at 100% zoom ratio.
    Zoom->125% Shows the current diagram at 125% zoom ratio.
    Zoom->150% Shows the current diagram at 150% zoom ratio.
    Zoom->175% Shows the current diagram at 175% zoom ratio.
    Zoom->200% Shows the current diagram at 200% zoom ratio.
    Toolbars->Standard Toggles the Standard toolbar on and off.
    Toolbars->Format Toggles the Format toolbar on and off.
    Toolbars->View Toggles the View toolbar on and off.
    Toolbars->Alignment Toggles the Align toolbar on and off.

    Tools Menu

    The Tools menu contains the following menu items.

    Menu Item Description

    Opens the Options dialog box that can be used to edit various environment configuration options.

    Add-In Manager…

    Opens the Add-In Manager that can be used to manage the additionally installed Add-In programs.

    Help Menu

    The Help menu contains the following menu items.

    Menu Item Description
    ch11h404 Contents…[F1]

    Opens the StarUML? help.

    StarUML On the Web

    Moves to the StarUML? website.


    Shows the StarUML? information.


    StarUML? provides shortcuts to menu functions. The shortcuts can increase efficiency and convenience in software modeling.

    Shortcuts List

    Shortcut Menu Item
    Del Delete
    F1 StarUML? Help
    F5 Refresh
    F6 Browser Window
    F7 Inspector Window
    F8 Information Window
    F9 Verify Model
    Ctrl+F4 Close Diagram
    Ctrl+F5 Collection Editor
    Ctrl+F6 Constraint Editor
    Ctrl+F7 Tagged Values
    Ctrl+A Select All
    Ctrl+B Oblique
    Ctrl+C Copy
    Ctrl+F Find
    Ctrl+I Select New Project
    Ctrl+L Rectilinear
    Ctrl+M Show in Model Explorer
    Ctrl+N New Project
    Ctrl+O Open
    Ctrl+P Print
    Ctrl+S Save
    Ctrl+V Paste
    Ctrl+X Cut
    Ctrl+Y Redo
    Ctrl+Z Undo
    Ctrl+Del Delete Model
    Shift+Ctrl+F4 Close All Diagrams
    Shift+Ctrl+A Suppress Attributes
    Shift+Ctrl+C Copy Diagram
    Shift+Ctrl+D Export Diagram
    Shift+Ctrl+E Decoration(Stereotype Display)
    Shift+Ctrl+I Icon (Stereotype Display)
    Shift+Ctrl+L Suppress Literals
    Shift+Ctrl+N None (Stereotype Display)
    Shift+Ctrl+O Suppress Operations
    Shift+Ctrl+S Save As
    Shift+Ctrl+T Text (Stereotype Display)


    This section describes in detail all of the toolbar items in StarUML?.

    • Standard Toolbar
    • Format Toolbar
    • View Toolbar
    • Align Toolbar
    • Pallet Toolbar

    Standard Toolbar

    The Standard toolbar contains the following functions.

    Toolbar Description
    ch11h405 New Project[Ctrl+N] Creates a new project.
    ch11h501 Open[Ctrl+O] Opens a project file.
    ch11h502 Save[Ctrl+S] Saves the project file
    ch11h503 Print[Ctrl+P] Prints the diagram.
    ch11h504 Cut[Ctrl+X] Copies the selected elements to clipboard and removes them from the current location.
    ch11h505 Copy[Ctrl+C] Copies the selected elements to clipboard.
    ch11h506 Paste[Ctrl+V] Pastes the clipboard contents into the currently selected element (or diagram).
    ch11h507 Delete[Del] Deletes the selected view elements in the diagram.
    ch11h508 Undo[Ctrl+Z] Cancels the most recent action performed by the user.
    ch11h509 Redo[Ctrl+Y] Repeats the most recent action performed by the user.
    ch11h5010 Find[Ctrl+F] Finds an element.
    ch11h601 Collection Editor[Ctrl+F5]

    Opens the collection editor that can be used to edit the child elements of the currently selected model element.

    ch11h602 Constraints[Ctrl+F6]

    Opens the constraint editor that can be used to edit the constraints of the currently selected model element.

    ch11h603 TaggedValues[Ctrl+F7]

    Opens the tagged value editor that can be used to edit the tag definitions of the currently selected model element.

    ch11h604 Profiles[Ctrl+F8]

    Opens the profile manager.

    ch11h605 Verify Model[F9]

    Opens the Verify Model dialog box that can be used to inspect the model elements in the current project.

    Format Toolbar

    The Format toolbar contains the following functions.

    Tool Description
    (Combo) Font Name Specifies the font name for the selected view elements.
    (Combo) Font Size Specifies the font size for the selected view elements.
    ch11h606 Font… Specifies the font for the selected view elements.
    ch11h607 Line Color… Specifies the line color for the selected view elements.
    ch11h608 Fill Color… Specifies the fill color for the selected view elements.
    ch11h609 Auto Resize Automatically resizes the selected view elements.
    ch11h6010 Stereotype Display Specifies how the stereotypes will be shown for the selected view elements.
    ch11h701Show As Extended Notation Specifies how the extended notation will be shown for the selected view elements.
    ch11h702 Line Style Specifies the line style for the selected connection view elements.
    ch11h703 Suppress Attributes[Shift+Ctrl+A] Suppresses the section that displays the attributes for the selected view elements (e.g. class, usecase, etc.).
    ch11h704 Suppress Operations[Shift+Ctrl+O] Suppresses the section that displays the operations for the selected view elements (e.g. class, subsystem, etc.).
    ch11h705 Suppress Literals[Shift+Ctrl+L] Suppresses the section that displays the attributes for the selected enumerations.
    ch11h202 Word Wrap Name Shows the word wrap of the selected view elements.
    ch11h706 Show Parent Name Shows the parent name of the selected view elements.
    ch11h707 Show Operation Signature Shows the operation signature of the selected view elements (e.g. class, subsystem, etc.).
    ch11h708 Show Properties Shows the property items (e.g. tagged values, changeability attribute, etc.) included in view elements.
    ch11h709 Show Compartment Visibility Shows the visibility of the compartments of the selected view elements (e.g. attribute compartment, operation compartment, etc.).
    ch11h7010 Show Compartment Stereotype Shows the stereotype of the compartments of the selected view elements (e.g. attribute compartment, operation compartment, etc.).


    View Toolbar

    The View toolbar contains the following functions.

    Tool Description
    (Combo) Zoom

    Selects the zoom ratio for the current diagram.

    ch11h801 Zoom In

    Makes the diagram look larger.

    ch11h802 Zoom Out

    Makes the diagram look smaller.

    ch11h803 Fit To Window

    Automatically adjusts the zoom ratio to fit the whole diagram in the window.

    ch11h804 Refersh[F5]

    Refreshes the current diagram.

    Align Toolbar

    The Align toolbar contains the following functions.

    Tool Description
    ch11h805 Layout Diagram

    Lays out the view elements in the current diagram.

    ch11h806 Bring to Front

    Brings the selected elements to front.

    ch11h807 Send to Back

    Sends the selected elements to back.

    ch11h808 Align Left

    Aligns the selected elements to left.

    ch11h809 Align Right

    Aligns the selected elements to right.

    ch11h8010 Align Middle

    Centers the selected elements horizontally.

    ch11h901 Align Top

    Aligns the selected elements to top.

    ch11h902 Align Bottom

    Aligns the selected elements to bottom.

    ch11h903 Align Center

    Centers the selected elements vertically.

    ch11h904 Space Equally, Horizontally

    Evenly distributes the selected elements horizontally.

    ch11h905 Space Equally, Vertically

    Evenly distributes the selected elements vertically.

    Pallet Toolbar

    The Pallet toolbar contains the following functions for selecting and creating elements in the diagram.

    Common Pallet Tool

    The following functions are always available in the Pallet toolbar regardless of the diagram types.

    Tool Description
    ch11h906 Select

    The most basic tool that selects, moves or resizes an element in the diagram.

    ch11h907 Note Creates a note element in the current diagram.
    ch11h908 Note Link Links a note in the current diagram to another element.
    ch11h909 Text Creates a string element in the current diagram.
    ch11h9010 Rectangle Create a figure of rectangle in the current diagram.
    ch11h1011 Ellipse Creates a figure of ellipse in the current diagram.
    ch11h1012 Rounded Rectangle Creates a figure of rounded rectangle in the current diagram.

    Pallet Tool by Diagram Types

    The following functions create elements by diagram types.

    Tool Description Diagram
    ch11h906 Select

    The most basic tool that selects, moves or resizes an element in the diagram.

    All diagrams

    ch11h1013 Subsystem

    Creates a subsystem element in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram

    ch11h1014 Package

    Creates a package element in the current diagram..

    Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, UseCase Diagram

    ch11h1015 Class

    Creates a class element in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, Composite Diagram

    ch11h1016 Interface

    Creates an interface element in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Composite Diagram

    ch11h1017 Enumeration

    Creates an enumeration element in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram

    ch11h1018 Signal

    Creates a signal element in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram

    ch11h1019 Except

    Creates an exception element in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram

    ch11h1020 Component

    Creates a component element in the current diagram.

    Component Diagram

    ch11h1021 ComponentInstance

    Creates a component instance element in the current diagram.

    Component Diagram

    ch11h1022 Node

    Creates a node element in the current diagram.

    Deployment Diagram

    ch11h1023 NodeInstance

    Creates a node instance element in the current diagram.

    Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram

    ch11h1024 Artifact

    Creates a artifact in the current diagram.

    UseCase Diagram

    ch11h1025 UseCase

    Creates a usecase element in the current diagram.

    UseCase Diagram

    ch11h1026 Actor

    Creates an actor element in the current diagram.

    UseCase Diagram

    ch11h1027 SystemBoundary

    Creates an system boundary in the current diagram.

    UseCase Diagram

    ch11h1028 Object

    Creates an object element in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram

    ch11h1029 Part

    Creates a Part element with a Classifier in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, Composite Diagram

    ch11h1030 Port

    Creates a Port element with a Classifier in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, Composite Diagram

    ch11h1031 ClassifierRole

    Creates a ClassifierRole element in the current diagram.

    Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

    ch11h1032 Combined Fragment

    Creates a Combined Fragment element in the current diagram.

    Sequence Diagram, Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

    ch11h1033 Interaction Operand

    Creates a Interaction Operand element with a Combined Fragment in the current diagram.

    Sequence Diagram, Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

    ch11h1034 Frame

    Creates a Frame element in the current diagram

    Sequence Diagram, Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

    ch11h1035 CompositeState

    Creates a CompositeState element in the current diagram.

    Statechart Diagram

    ch11h1036 SubmachineState

    Creates a SubmachineState element in the current diagram.

    Statechart Diagram

    ch11h1037 InitialState

    Creates an InitialState (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

    Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram

    ch11h1038 FinalState

    Creates a FinalState element in the current diagram.

    Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram

    ch11h1039 Flow Final

    Creates a DeepHistory(FlowFinalState) element in the current diagram.

    Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram

    ch11h1040 ChoicePoint

    Creates a Choice (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

    Statechart Diagram

    ch11h1041 JunctionPoint

    Creates a Junction (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

    Statechart Diagram

    ch11h1042 ShallowHistory

    Creates a ShallowHistory (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

    Statechart Diagram

    ch11h1043 DeepHistory

    Creates a DeepHistory (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

    Statechart Diagram

    ch11h1044 Synchronization

    Creates a Synchronization (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

    Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram

    ch11h1045 ActionState

    Creates an ActionState element in the current diagram.

    Activity Diagram

    ch11h1046 SubactivityState

    Creates a Subactivity State element in the current diagram.

    Activity Diagram

    ch11h1047 Decision

    Creates a Decision (Pseudostate) element in the current diagram.

    Activity Diagram

    ch11h1048 ObjectFlow

    Creates a ObjectFlowState element in the current diagram.

    Activity Diagram

    ch11h1049 Signal Accept State

    Creates a SignalAcceptState element in the current diagram.

    Activity Diagram

    ch11h1050 Signal Send State

    Creates a SignalSendState element in the current diagram.

    Activity Diagram

    ch11h1051 Swimlane(Vertical)

    Creates a Swimlane by vertical solid lines in the current diagram.

    Activity Diagram

    ch11h1052 Swimlane(Horizontal)

    Creates a Swimlane by horizontal solid lines in the current diagram.

    Activity Diagram

    ch11h1053 Association

    Links a semantic association between two classes in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, UseCase Diagram

    ch11h1054 DirectedAssociation

    Links a semantic association between two classes in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, Deployment Diagram, UseCase Diagram

    ch11h1055 Aggregation

    Links a semantic association between two classes in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram

    ch11h1056 Composition

    Links a semantic association between two classes in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram

    ch11h1057 Generalization

    Links a generalized element and a specialized element with a generalization relation in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, UseCase Diagram

    ch11h1058 Dependency

    Links two elements with a dependency relation in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, UseCase Diagram, Composite Diagram

    ch11h1059 Realization

    Links a specification element and its implementation element with a realization relation in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Composite Diagram

    ch11h1060 AssociationClass

    Links a class and an association in the current diagram so that the association itself can have the significance of a class.

    Class Diagram

    ch11h1061 Include

    Links two UseCases with an Include relation in the current diagram so that one UseCase includes the other UseCase behaviors.

    UseCase Diagram

    ch11h1062 Extend

    Links two UseCases with an Extend relation in the current diagram so that one UseCase can be extended with the behaviors defined in the other UseCase.

    UseCase Diagram

    ch11h1063 AssociationRole

    Links two roles with an AssociationRole in the current diagram.

    Collaboration Role Diagram

    ch11h1064 SelfAssociationRole

    Creates an AssociationRole from one role to the same role in the current diagram.

    Collaboration Role Diagram

    ch11h1065 Link

    Links two objects in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, Collaboration Diagram

    ch11h1066 SelfLink

    Links an object with itself in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, Collaboration Diagram

    ch11h1067 ForwardMessage

    Defines a message between two roles in the current diagram.

    Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

    ch11h1068 ReverseMessage

    Defines a message between two roles in the current diagram.

    Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

    ch11h1069 SelfMessage

    Creates a message from a role to the same role in the current diagram.

    Sequence Role Diagram, Collaboration Role Diagram

    ch11h1070 ForwardStimulus

    Defines a stimulus between two objects in the current diagram.

    Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram

    ch11h1071 ReverseStimulus

    Defines a stimulus between two objects in the current diagram.

    Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram

    ch11h1072 SelfStimulus

    Creates a stimulus from an object to the same object in the current diagram.

    Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram

    ch11h1073 Transition

    Links a source state and a target state with a transition in the current diagram.

    Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram

    ch11h1074 SelfTransition

    Links an original state and a target state with a transition in the current diagram.

    Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram

    ch11h1075 Connector

    Links a original feature and a target feature with a connector in the current diagram.

    Class Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, Composite Diagram


    Model Explorer

    The Model Explorer supports the user to effectively manage and explore the model elements by showing them in hierarchical structures. Select the [Model Explorer] tab in the [Browser] area to open the Model Explorer.


    Diagram Explorer

    The Diagram Explorer supports the user to effectively manage and explore the diagrams by listing them by their types. Select the [Diagram Explorer] tab in the [Browser] area to open the Diagram Explorer.


    Property Editor

    The Property Editor is used for editing the detailed properties of the currently selected model element. Select the [Properties] tab in the [Inspector] area to open the Property Editor.


    Documentation Editor

    The Documentation Editor is used for recording additional descriptions of the currently selected element. Select the [Documentation] tab in the [Inspector] area to open the Documentation Editor.


    Attachments Editor

    The Attachments Editor allows the user to attach files or web URLs to a specific element. Select the [Attachments] tab in the [Inspector] area to open the Attachments Editor.


    Attachment List

    Shows a list of the files or URLs attached to the element.

    Open Button

    Opens the selected attachment file or URL with the associated program. For example, if a .doc file is selected, it is automatically opened in Microsoft Word, and if a web address such as is selected, it is opened in the web browser.

    Add Button

    Attaches a new file or URL. Click this button to open the Attachment Item dialog box.

    Remove Button

    Removes the selected item from the attachment list.

    Edit Button

    Edits the selected item from the attachment list. The Attachment Item Editor can be used to change the file name or enter another URL.

    Move Up Button

    Moves the selected item up in the attachment list.

    Move Down Button

    Moves the selected item down in the attachment list.

    Attachment Item Dialog Box

    Edits the attachment item name. Enter a URL or pathname for a file. The button on the right can be used to select a file.


    Output Window

    The Output Window keeps and shows a record of the events in StarUML?. Select the [Output] tab in the [Information] area to open the Output Window.


    Messages Window

    The Message Window shows the results of element search or software model inspection. Select the [Messages] tab in the [Information] area to open the Message Window.



    Collection Editor

    The Collection Editor is used for managing a list of child elements for a specific element.



    Shows collections (a list of child elements contained in the current element) contained in the element by tabs. Different types of elements have different collections, and therefore have different tabs. For example, Class element has tabs for Attributes and Operations. The Relations tab is always present regardless of the element type.

    Collection Element List

    Shows a list of the child elements. Select an element here and edit it using the property editor, documentation editor, and attachment editor in the inspector area. For showing element stereotype, visibility/stereotype, etc., please refer to the section on General Configurations, in Environment Configurations.

    Add Button

    Creates a new element and adds it to the list. This button may connect existing elements instead of creating a new element (e.g. Residents, DeployedComponents, RaisedSignals).

    Delete Button

    Deletes the selected element in the collection element list. This button may remove the element from the list instead of deleting it (e.g. Residents, DeployedComponents, RaisedSignals).

    Move Up Button

    Moves the selected element up in the collection element list.

    Move Down Button

    Moves the selected element down in the collection element list.

    Constraint Editor

    The Constraint Editor is used for managing the constraints for elements.



    Shows the names and contents of the constraints for elements.


    Adds a new constraint to the element. This button opens the Constraints dialog box.


    Deletes the selected constraint in the constraints list.


    Edits the selected constraint in the constraints list.

    Move Up

    Moves the selected constraint up in the constraints list.

    Move Down

    Moves the selected constraint down in the constraints list.

    Constraint Dialog Box

    This is used for adding a new constraint or editing the name and/or contents of existing constraints in the Constraint Editor. Enter the name of the constraint in the [Name] field and enter the contents of the constraint in the [Expression] field. The user may freely enter any contents or write in the UML OCL (Object Constraint Language).


    Tagged Value Editor

    The Tagged Value Editor is used for editing the tagged values that can be added to specific elements.


    Profile Tab

    By default, tagged values are defined in profiles. If there is a profile that contains the tagged values which can be applied to the currently selected element, it is shown as a tab. The tag definitions defined in the profile are displayed in the [Tag Definition Set] and [Tagged Values] fields.

    Tag Definition Set

    Shows the tag definition set that can be applied to the currently selected element. The tagged values included in this set are displayed in the [Tagged Values] field.

    Tagged Values

    Lists the definitions and their values included in the tag definition set selected in [Tag Definition Set]. The user may directly change the values.

    Set As Default

    Every tag definition has a default value. Select a tag definition in [Tagged Values] and click this button to clear the changed value and set it back to the default value.

    Profile Manager

    The Profile Manager can be used for including or excluding the UML profiles for the current project.


    Available profiles

    Shows a list of the UML profiles registered for use in StarUML?. Profiles currently in use by the current project are not shown here.

    Include profiles

    Shows a list of the UML profiles in use by the current project.

    Large Icon/Small Icon Button

    Toggles the profile list icon size between large and small. Select the Small Icon Button if the profile names are only partially shown and difficult to read.


    Includes the profile selected in the available profile list for use by the current project.


    Excludes the profile selected in the included profile list so that it is no longer used by the current project.

    Add-In Manager

    The Add-In Manager can be used to view a list of the installed Add-Ins and to enable or disable the Add-Ins.


    Add-Ins List

    Shows a list of the installed Add-Ins. The user can check or uncheck each item to enable or disable the respective Add-In.

    note Note

    • The list of Add-Ins in the Add-In Manager window may vary according to the user??s installation environment.

    Select New Project Dialog Box

    The Select New Project dialog box provides various selection methods when creating a new project. The New Project dialog box consists of three pages: Select Approach, Open Existing File, and Open Recent File.


    The user can apply a specific approach for creating a new project.


    • Approaches: The approaches list displays the names and icons of the registered approaches. Select the ??Empty Project?? item if no approach is needed.
    • Large Icon/Small Icon Button: This toggles the icon size for the approach list. Select the small icon button if the approach names are shortened and difficult to read.
    • Description: This area shows a brief description of the approach item selected from the list.
    • Use the selected Approach by default : Select an approach from the list and check this check box to set the approach as the default approach. The default approach is applied when creating a new project by selecting the [File] -> [New] -> [New Project] menu.

    Open Files


    The user can open a previously created file. The tree view on the left shows the user system??s folder structure, and the file list area on the right shows the project files in the selected folder. Select a file from this file list and click the [Open] button to open the selected file.

    Recent Files


    The user can see a list of the recently edited files and open them.

    • Recently modified files:
    • Shows a list of the recently edited files.

    • Remove non-existent files from the list:
    • Checks for files that no longer exist and removes them from the recent files list.

    • Clear the recent files list:
    • Clears all the files in the recent file list. The recent file list in the system registry is deleted.

    Import Framework Dialog Box

    The Import Framework dialog box allows the user to select an available framework and load it to the current project.


    Frameworks list

    The frameworks list displays the names and icons of the registered frameworks. Select a framework to load.

    Large Icon/Small Icon Button

    This toggles the icon size for the framework list. Select the small icon button if the framework names are shortened and difficult to read.


    This area shows a brief description of the framework item selected from the list.

    Page Setup Dialog Box

    The Page Setup dialog box allows the user to specify what and how diagram information is printed, the paper orientation, margins, outlines, etc.



    The user can specify some of the diagram information to be printed.

    • On Header : Prints the diagram information in the page header.
    • On Footer : Prints the diagram information in the page footer.
    • None : Does not print the diagram information.
    • Diagram Name : Prints the diagram name.
    • Project Title : Prints the project name of the diagram.
    • Page Number : Prints the page number.
    • Diagram Kind : Prints the diagram kind.
    • Date/Time :Prints the current date and time.


    The user can specify the top, bottom, left, and right page margins in millimeters.

    Page orientation

    The user can specify whether to print the page in portrait or landscape.


    The user can specify how the page border will be printed. Select top, bottom, left, or right for drawing border and specify the border thickness.

    Print Dialog Box

    The Print dialog box appears when the user prints a diagram. The user can select and specify various options related to printing.



    The user can configure the printer-related options.

    • Name : Select a printer to use from the installed printers.
    • Status : Indicates the status of the selected printer.
    • Location : Indicates the location of the selected printer.
    • Page Setup : Opens the Page Setup dialog box.


    Specifies the size of the diagram to print.

    • Diagram as is : Prints the diagram in its original size. The diagram is printed in multiple pages if it does not fit in one page.
    • Fit to page : Prints the diagram to fit in one page. This option prevents printing of multiple pages if the diagram is large.
    • Tile : Prints the diagram to fit in multiple pages. The user can specify the number of pages to print by width and height (e.g. 3 pages wide and 4 pages tall = total 12 pages).

    Print Range

    Specifies the range of the diagram to print.

    • Current diagram : Prints only the currently active diagram.
    • All diagrams : Prints all of the diagrams in the current project.
    • Selected diagrams : Prints only the selected diagram. The [Select All] button selects all diagrams, and the [Deselect All] button deselects all diagrams.


    Opens the Preview dialog box.

    Print Preview Dialog Box

    The Print Preview dialog box allows the user to preview the print result before actually printing the diagram.



    Starts printing.

    One Page / Two Pages

    Toggles preview by one page or two pages.

    <<, <, >, >>

    Allows navigation to the first page, previous page, next page, and last page.

    Page Selection

    The user can move to a specific page by directly entering the page number.

    Find Dialog Box

    The Find dialog box allows the user to find elements quickly and easily.


    Text to Find

    Enter the full or partial string for the element to find. The user can also select from the previously entered strings.

    Option-Element Type

    This specifies the range of elements to find. Available ranges: ??All elements??, Model, Subsystem, Package, Class, Interface, Enumeration, Signal, Exception, Component, Node, Instance, UseCase, and Actor.

    Option-Case Sensitive

    This specifies lowercase or uppercase for the element to find.

    Verify Model Dialog Box

    The Verify Model dialog box is used to inspect the model elements and their definitions.


    Verification Rule

    Shows the verification rule currently being applied.

    Verifying Element

    Shows the name of the element currently being verified.


    Visually displays the progress of the verification.


    Indicates the number of the elements that failed the verification.

    Options Dialog Box

    The Options dialog box lists the various option items for environment configuration of StarUML? and allows the user to edit them.


    Option category

    This list shows the option categories. The top category is ??Environment?? which contains the sub-categories ??General??, ??Diagram??, ??General View??, and ??Specific View??. Additional option categories may be present depending on the module of StarUML?.

    Option item

    Shows the option items contained in the selected option category. The option values can be edited.


    Shows a brief description of the selected option category or item.

    Reset to default values

    Sets the selected option item value to the default value.

    Revert to last value

    Reverts the selected option item value to the last saved value.


    Select Stereotype Dialog Box

    The Select Stereotype dialog box appears when the user needs to specify a stereotype for the selected element. The stereotype can be entered directly or selected from the list.



    The user can directly enter the stereotype. If a stereotype has been registered, it is indicated in the stereotype list.

    Stereotypes List

    Shows the stereotypes defined in the UML profiles that are in use by the current project. The name of the stereotype and the name of the project that contains it are shown together. The user can select a stereotype from the list.

    Icon preview

    The icon is shown if the selected stereotype is associated with an icon.


    Shows the description for the selected stereotype.

    Select Element Dialog Box

    The Select Element dialog box allows the user to select an element from the hierarchical structure of the project elements. The Select Element dialog box appears when the user needs to assign an element at the property editor, collection editor, etc. Unlike the Element List dialog box, the Select Element dialog box lists the elements in a hierarchical structure.


    Dialog Box Title

    The dialog box title changes according to the type of the element to be selected. An appropriate title is displayed for defining the attribute type, or the object type (i.e., Classifier).

    Element List

    Shows the available elements. For example, only the StateMachine elements are displayed when selecting a StateMachine element.

    Data Types

    Shows the available data types. The data types shown here are those defined in the UML profiles which are in use by the current project. This list may not be shown if a data type does not need to be specified.

    Do not specify??

    Check this to specify nothing. This actually assigns a null value.

    Selected Element

    The bottom part of the dialog box shows the full pathname of the selected element. This information can be used to verify which element is currently selected.

    Element List Dialog Box

    The Element List dialog box allows the user to select an element from a list. The Select Element dialog box appears when the user needs to assign an element to a specific property at the property editor, collection editor, etc. Unlike the Select Element dialog box, the Element List dialog box lists the elements in a one-dimensional list.


    Dialog Box Title

    The dialog box title changes according to the type of the element to be selected. An appropriate title is displayed for selecting a StateMachine, or for assigning a component in a node.

    Element List

    Shows the available elements. For example, only the StateMachine elements are displayed when selecting a StateMachine element.

    Do not specify??

    Check this to specify nothing. This actually assigns a null value.

    Model Filtering Dialog Box

    The Model Filter dialog box can be used to show or hide specific elements in the model explorer.


    Element to show

    Shows all the elements that can be displayed in the model explorer. Only those checked are displayed in the model explorer.

    Select Relations

    Selects all the relationship elements (Transition, Dependency, Association, AssociationClass, Generalization, Link, AssociationRole, Stimulus, Message, Include, Extend, and Realization) from the elements list.

    Deselect Relations

    Deselects all the relation elements.

    Select All

    Selects all elements.

    Deselect All

    Deselects all elements.

    Set As Default

    Selects the elements set as default by the program.

    Quick Dialogs

    This section describes in detail all the quick dialogs available in StarUML?.

    • General Quick Dialog
    • Subsystem Quick Dialog
    • Classifier Quick Dialog
    • Enumeration Quick Dialog
    • Literal Quick Dialog
    • Attribute Quick Dialog
    • Operation Quick Dialog
    • AssociationEnd Quick Dialog
    • Object Quick Dialog
    • ClassifierRole Quick Dialog
    • Message/Stimulus Quick Dialog
    • State Quick Dialog
    • Action Quick Dialog
    • Note/Text Quick Dialog

    General Quick Dialog

    General Quick Dialog is the most general form of the quick dialogs. This is used for most of the elements. This appears when an element is double-clicked in diagram. Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Visibility Button ch11h202

    Element visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h206

    Element name, visibility and stereotype can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> visibility name

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • visibility : Enter the character that corresponds to the element??s visibility (??+??: public, ??#??: protected, ??-??: private, ??~??: package). This may be omitted.
    • name : Enter the element??s name.

    Elements Applied

    Subsystem Quick Dialog

    Subsystem Quick Dialog is applied only to subsystem elements. This appears when a subsystem is double-clicked in a diagram. Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Visibility Button ch11h203

    Subsystem visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h207

    Subsystem name, visibility and stereotype can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> visibility name

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • visibility : Enter the character that corresponds to the subsystem??s visibility (??+??: public, ??#??: protected, ??-??: private, ??~??: package). This may be omitted.
    • name : Enter the subsystem??s name.

    Add Operation Button ch11h208

    Creates and adds a new operation.

    Elements Applied


    Classifier Quick Dialog

    Classifier Quick Dialog is applied only to the elements that fall in the Classifier category (e.g. Class, Actor, Signal, …). Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Visibility Button ch11h202

    Element visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h209

    Element name, visibility and stereotype can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> visibility name

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • visibility : Enter the character that corresponds to the element??s visibility (??+??: public, ??#??: protected, ??-??: private, ??~??: package). This may be omitted.
    • name : Enter the element??s name.

    Add Attribute Button ch11h2010

    Creates and adds a new attribute.

    Add Operation Button ch11h208

    Creates and adds a new operation.

    Elements Applied

    Class, Interface, Signal, Exception, Actor, UseCase, Artifact

    Enumeration Quick Dialog

    Enumeration Quick Dialog is applied only to enumeration elements. This appears when an enumeration is double-clicked in a diagram. Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Visibility Button ch11h202

    Enumeration visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h2012

    Enumeration name, visibility and stereotype can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> visibility name

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • visibility : Enter the character that corresponds to the enumeration??s visibility (??+??: public, ??#??: protected, ??-??: private, ??~??: package). This may be omitted.
    • name : Enter the enumeration??s name.

    Add Literal Button ch11h2013

    Creates and adds a new literal.

    Add Operation Button ch11h208

    Creates and adds a new operation.

    Elements Applied


    Attribute Quick Dialog

    Attribute Quick Dialog is applied only to attribute elements. This appears when an attribute is double-clicked in a diagram. Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Visibility Button ch11h202

    Attribute visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h3021

    Attribute stereotype, visibility, name, type, multiplicity, order and default value can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> visibility name : type = initialvalue

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • visibility : Enter the character that corresponds to the attribute??s visibility (??+??: public, ??#??: protected, ??-??: private, ??~??: package). This may be omitted.
    • name : Enter the attribute??s name.
    • : type : Enter the attribute??s type. This may be omitted.
    • = initialvalue : Enter the attribute??s default value. This may be omitted.
    ch11h2015 Note
    • Quick Dialog doesn’t supports a part of [multiplicity ordered] among attribute notations in UML Specification. Because it has been used part of type as [] symbol to the meaning of array.

    Add Button ch11h3022

    This adds a new attribute in the next location. Hitting [Ctrl + Enter] has the same effect. To insert in the current location, hit the [Ins] key.

    Delete Button ch11h3023

    This deletes the attribute. Hitting [Ctrl + Del] has the same effect.

    Move Up Button ch11h3024

    This moves the current attribute up. Hitting [Ctrl + Up] has the same effect. To edit the upper attribute, just hit the [Up] key.

    Move Down Button ch11h3025

    This moves the current attribute down. Hitting [Ctrl + Down] has the same effect. To edit the lower attribute, just hit the [Down] key.

    Elements Applied


    Operation Quick Dialog

    Operation Quick Dialog is applied only to operation elements. This appears when an operation is double-clicked in a diagram. Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Visibility Button ch11h202

    Operation visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h3026

    Operation stereotype, visibility, name, parameter, and return type can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> visibility name( parameters ) : returntype

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • visibility : Enter the character that corresponds to the operation??s visibility (??+??: public, ??#??: protected, ??-??: private, ??~??: package). This may be omitted.
    • name : Enter the operation??s name
    • ( parameters ) : Enter the operation??s parameters. Parameters follow the syntax of ??direction name : type?? and the parameters are separated by comma (,). Parameter relay direction is indicated by ??direction??; it can be ??in??, ??inout??, or ??out??. Parameter name is indicated by ??name??, and parameter type is indicated by ??type??. This may be omitted.
    • : returntype : Enter the operation??s return type. This may be omitted.

    Add Button ch11h3022

    This adds a new operation in the next location. Hitting [Ctrl + Enter] has the same effect. To insert in the current location, hit the [Ins] key.

    Delete Button ch11h3023

    This deletes the operation. Hitting [Ctrl + Del] has the same effect.

    Move Up Button ch11h3024

    This moves the current operation up. Hitting [Ctrl + Up] has the same effect. To edit the upper operation, just hit the [Up] key.

    Move Down Button ch11h3025

    This moves the current operation down. Hitting [Ctrl + Down] has the same effect. To edit the lower operation, just hit the [Down] key.

    Elements Applied


    Literal Quick Dialog

    Literal Quick Dialog is applied only to literal elements. This appears when a literal is double-clicked in a diagram. Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Visibility Button ch11h202

    Literal visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h3027

    Literal name, visibility and stereotype can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> visibility name

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • visibility : Enter the character that corresponds to the literal??s visibility (??+??: public, ??#??: protected, ??-??: private, ??~??: package). This may be omitted.
    • name : Enter the literal??s name.

    Add Button ch11h3022

    This adds a new literal in the next location. Hitting [Ctrl + Enter] has the same effect. To insert in the current location, hit the [Ins] key.

    Delete Button ch11h3023

    This deletes the literal. Hitting [Ctrl + Del] has the same effect.

    This moves the current literal up. Hitting [Ctrl + Up] has the same effect. To edit the upper literal, just hit the [Up] key.

    Move Up Button ch11h3024

    This moves the current literal up. Hitting [Ctrl + Up] has the same effect. To edit the upper literal, just hit the [Up] key.

    Mouse Down Button ch11h3025

    This moves the current literal down. Hitting [Ctrl + Down] has the same effect. To edit the lower literal, just hit the [Down] key.

    Elements Applied


    AssociationEnd Quick Dialog

    AssociationEnd Quick Dialog is applied only to AssociationEnd elements. This appears when an association is double-clicked at the end in a diagram. Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Aggregation Button ch11h3028

    AssociationEnd aggregation can be selected from ch11h2019 Association, ch11h2020 Aggregation, and ch11h2021 Composition Navigability can be configured by checking.

    Visibility Button ch11h202

    AssociationEnd visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h3027

    AssociationEnd name, visibility and stereotype can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> visibility name

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • visibility : Enter the character that corresponds to the AssociationEnd??s visibility (??+??: public, ??#??: protected, ??-??: private, ??~??: package). This may be omitted.
    • name : Enter the AssociationEnd??s name.

    Multiplicity Combo ch11h3029

    AssociationEnd??s multiplicity can be selected from 0..1, 1, 0..*, 1..*, and * or entered directly.

    Elements Applied

    AssociationEnd, LinkEnd, AssociationEndRole

    ClassifierRole Quick Dialog

    ClassifierRole Quick Dialog is applied only to ClassifierRole elements. This appears when a Classifier is double-clicked in a diagram. Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Visibility Button ch11h202

    ClassifierRole visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h3027

    ClassifierRole name, visibility and stereotype can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> visibility name : type

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • visibility : Enter the character that corresponds to the ClassifierRole??s visibility (??+??: public, ??#??: protected, ??-??: private, ??~??: package). This may be omitted.
    • name : Enter the ClassifierRole??s name.
    • : type : Enter the ClassifierRole??s type name. This has to be one of the classifiers defined in the current project. This may be omitted.

    Create New Class Element Button ch11h3030

    This creates a new class element in the parent namespace of the collaboration where the ClassifierRole element belongs, and references the new class element in the ClassifierRole??s base attribute.

    Elements Applied


    Object Quick Dialog

    Object Quick Dialog is applied only to object elements. This appears when an object is double-clicked in a diagram. Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Visibility Button ch11h202

    Object visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h3027

    Object stereotype, visibility, name and type can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> visibility name : type

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • visibility : Enter the character that corresponds to the object??s visibility (??+??: public, ??#??: protected, ??-??: private, ??~??: package). This may be omitted.
    • name : Enter the object??s name.
    • : type : Enter the object??s type name. This has to be one of the classifiers defined in the current project. This may be omitted.

    Create New Class Element Button ch11h3030

    This creates a new class element in the parent namespace of the CollaborationInstanceSet where the object element belongs, and references the new class element in the object??s classifier attribute.

    Elements Applied


    Message/Stimulus Quick Dialog

    Message/Stimulus Quick Dialog is applied only to message and stimulus elements. This appears when a message or a stimulus is double-clicked in a diagram. Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.

    ch11h2024 (for sequence diagram)

    ch11h2025 (for collaboration diagram)

    Connect Element Button ch11h406

    This connects specific elements according to the message or stimulus type. If the message or stimulus has CallAction, one of the operations of the object on the other end can be selected. If it is a CreateAction, it can connect a Classifier. If it is a SendAction, it can connect a Signal element.

    Visibility Button ch11h202

    Message or stimulus visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h3027

    Message or stimulus name, visibility and stereotype can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> *[iteration] [condition] return := messagename ( arguments )

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • *[iteration] : Enter the message or stimulus??s iteration. This can be in the format of ??*[i=1..100]??. This may be omitted.
    • [condition] : Enter the message or stimulus??s condition. This may be omitted.
    • return := : Enter the expression for the message or stimulus??s result. This may be omitted.
    • messagename : Enter the message or stimulus??s name.
    • ( arguments ) : Enter the expression for the arguments passed to the message or stimulus. This may be omitted.

    Sequence number (for Collaboration Diagram) ch11h407

    The sequence number, which indicates the execution order of the message or stimulus, can be changed.

    Create New Operation Button ch11h208

    If the message or stimulus has a CallAction, this button creates a new operation in the other object, and references the new operation in the CallAction??s operation attribute.

    Elements Applied

    Message, Stimulus

    State Quick Dialog

    State Quick Dialog is applied only to state elements (CompositeState and SubmachineState). Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Visibility Button ch11h202

    State visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h3027

    State name, visibility and stereotype can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> visibility name

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • visibility : Enter the character that corresponds to the state??s visibility (??+??: public, ??#??: protected, ??-??: private, ??~??: package). This may be omitted.
    • name : Enter the state??s name.

    Add EntryAction Button ch11h408

    Creates and adds a new EntryAction.

    Add DoAction Button ch11h409

    Creates and adds a new EntryAction.

    Add ExitAction Button ch11h4010

    Creates and adds a new ExitAction.

    Elements Applied

    CompositeState, SubmachineState

    Action Quick Dialog

    Action Quick Dialog is applied only to action elements (EntryAction, DoAction, and ExitAction). Hitting the [Enter] key or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Visibility Button ch11h202

    Action visibility can be selected from ch11h10105 Public, ch11h10106 Protected, ch11h10107 Private, and ch11h10108 Package.

    Edit Field ch11h3027

    Action name, visibility and stereotype can be entered in the edit field according to the syntax.


    << stereotype >> visibility name

    • << stereotype >> : Enter the stereotype name. This may be omitted.
    • visibility : Enter the character that corresponds to the action??s visibility (??+??: public, ??#??: protected, ??-??: private, ??~??: package). This may be omitted.
    • name : Enter the action??s name.

    Add Button ch11h3022

    This adds a new action in the next location. Hitting [Ctrl + Enter] has the same effect. To insert in the current location, hit the [Ins] key.

    Delete Button ch11h3023

    This deletes the action. Hitting [Ctrl + Del] has the same effect.

    Move Up Button ch11h3024

    This moves the current action up. Hitting [Ctrl + Up] has the same effect. To edit the upper action, just hit the [Up] key.

    Move Down Button ch11h3025

    This moves the current action down. Hitting [Ctrl + Down] has the same effect. To edit the lower action, just hit the [Down] key.

    Elements Applied

    UninterpretedAction(EntryAction, DoAction, ExitAction)

    Note/Text Quick Dialog

    Note/Text Quick Dialog is applied only to note elements and text elements. This appears when a note or text element is double-clicked in a diagram. Hitting [Ctrl + Enter] or clicking outside the quick dialog applies the changes.


    Edit Field

    The edit field can contain any contents.

    Elements Applied

    Note, Text

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